Monday, February 4, 2013

Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers

A couple weeks ago, I was texting my wife about dinner plans. I had some ground beef defrosting. Below is the text conversation:
I had never heard of that so I went to pinterest, searched for "meatloaf stuffed peppers", and found this recipe.

Basic Recipe:
Make meatloaf, fill bell pepper with raw meatloaf mixture, bake, and enjoy.
Full recipe here.

Here are my thoughts:
The bell pepper definitely enhances the taste of the meat loaf. I skipped the salsa in the pan from the original recipe. I think this meatloaf recipe will become my go-to. I like the flavor and the texture of it better than the one I used to make. I even made it the next day for the company we were expecting.
If I were to make this again, what would I do differently?
  • I would like to get a rack to cook the meatloaf on so the fat can drain. 
  • I would like to add some jalapenos to the meatloaf to give it a little kick.
  • I would like to make the pepper rings shorter and try eating in as a hamburger (on a bun)
Have you ever tried combining two recipes ideas together?
How did it turn out?
Do you have any ideas of recipes to combine?